Top 6 Programming languages for Web development

Top 6 Programming languages for Web development There is a saying about “right tool for the right job” and it very much applies to a programming language. Not all programming languages are designed the same and that’s why they are not equally good for everything. Knowing about different programming languages helps so that you can choose the perfect programming…

How Are Salaries Determined?

How Are Salaries Determined? Salary contributes to employees’ loyalty and motivation. It makes them feel valued and should be reasonably determined. Whether you work in HR or you are considering a salary offer. In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about determining salaries. Who decides how much people earn? Employers decide how…

How to ask for more work as an intern

How to ask for more work as an intern Even in normal times, it’s not uncommon for a manager to be unsure of how to create an experience for an intern or newly-hired entry-level position that balances mentorship and exposure with an appropriate workload to sink their teeth into. And with the move to a…

6 Ways Cybercrime Impacts Business

6 Ways Cybercrime Impacts Business As businesses store more of their and their customer’s data online, they are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber thieves. Dealing with online criminals increases cybersecurity costs, which may ultimately trickle down to consumers in the form of higher prices. Companies lost $1.8 billion to cybercrime in 2019, according to business insurer Hiscox.…

Developer vs. Programmer: What’s the Difference?

Developer vs. Programmer: What’s the Difference? Although developers and programmers share similar job responsibilities and skills, these are actually two distinct professions. While a programmer is a technician who specializes in code, a developer is a designer or project manager who also can code. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in coding, it’s important…


5 ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA RECRUITING As recruitment agencies compete for top talent, it has become increasingly necessary to use social media in talent acquisition. Indeed, over 90% of all recruiters now use social networking sites in their recruitment process. The following are five benefits of using social media as part of your recruitment advertising…

Top 5 Easiest and Top 5 Hardest Programming Languages to Learn What’s the easiest programming language to learn? What about the hardest programming language? Asking a programmer about the easiest language to learn is like asking someone about their favourite ice cream. Everyone has a preference and there is no real right answer. As developer…